Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm a scientist update

As I've already announced on this blog, I've been asked to take part in the "I'm a scientist. Get me out of here!" event from next Monday. 

In the last few days I've been spending some time preparing my profile which the students will see when they log on to the site. I've been trying to strike a balance between giving some useful information about what I do, without coming across as boring or stuffy. For many of the students taking part, this will be one  of the first times they will have interacted with working scientists. It's important that the interaction is a good one.

The organisers tell me that it's important to have a smiley photo, hence my most smiley photo; and that the joke be a good one.

During the first week of the two-week event, students will be able to post questions for me to answer. Looking at the question archive for previous events, these can be quiet diverse:

Why is science so complicated?
Why can't we time travel?
If Homer Simpson was a real person, would he be dead by now?
Do you agree with the creation of nuclear weapons?
Do you think global warming will happen?
Do you like sudoku?
If you had to perform an experiment on Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus, which could you choose? They might die from this.
Do you have a social life?
Do you believe in God?
Are you a good scientist?

Students and scientists will also have the chance to interact on live group chats during the event. In the second week, students will begin to vote for their favourite of the group of five scientists and those with the lowest votes will be evicted. Last scientist standing at the end of the week gets £500 for science communication work.

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