Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Biodiversity Beermats

A group of Irish biologists have produced a set of eight biodiversity beermats which aim to raise awareness of biodiversity issues in Ireland.

The postgraduate students from the School of Natural Sciences in Trinity College Dublin under the banner of the Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research  have produced the beermats as an innovative way of sharing their work with the Dublin public.

The beermats were designed and illustrated by Aileen Crossley and can be found in 10 pubs around Dublin. The group are also hosting 2-3 minute long pop-up pub talks on biodiversity.

The beermats have also been featured in the Irish Times and Science magazine in recent months. I'll drink to that!

More info: Biodiversity in our lives website


  1. Hi Eoin,

    Many thanks for featuring our project on your blog. It's great to gety some additional exposure on home soil. You've a vey interesting blog and we'll be sure to try and refer to it in ours. We'd like to make a little correction to your article, however, which might peeve some people here. We the group of students have not set up the Trinity Centre for Biodiversity Research (TCBR) but rather this was established by a larger group of academics here, who have all committed to publishing under it's flag. The centre was launched by Sir David Attenborough in 2008. Our group was a spin-off of a working group we set up as part of the TCBR. Hope that's clear enough, and thanks again for featuring us and the kind words your post includes.
    Many thanks, The Biodiversity In Our Lives team.

  2. Hi Shane,
    Apologies for my mistake. I've amended the original article. Hopefully that's more accurate. Thanks for letting me know.

