If we were to close our eyes and imagine a world without animals,
what would it look like? It’s not that difficult to imagine a planet
devoid of humans or other animals.
Now try and imagine a world without plants. It’s almost impossible to
conceive. Although we sometimes take them for granted, plants have made
possible and shaped life on Earth while making this a truly green
Plants are at the centre of many of the most crucial global issues
that face us now and will face us in the century to come. How can we
ensure that a growing human population has enough food to eat? How can
we produce that food and, at the same time, reduce the environmental
impact of crop production and agriculture generally? How can we reduce
the impending threat of global warming?
Can we use plants to power our homes and cars? How do we maintain
global biodiversity and use medicines produced by plants to cure
diseases and promote human health? All these questions and more require
us to look again at our relationship with plants and how they can
ultimately be useful to our society and economy.
Looking back through time, plants have shaped the world we now live
in and are ultimately responsible for creating the conditions for human
life to exist on Earth in the first place. When the earliest land plants
appeared on Earth about 450 million years ago, they drastically changed
the Earth’s atmosphere; reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and
increasing the level of oxygen. That change allowed other organisms to
evolve and flourish – some of them, our evolutionary ancestors.
Green plants are nature’s solar panels that have colonised much of
the planet. Through a powerful process called photosynthesis, plants are
capable of harnessing the vast energy radiating from the Sun. They can
then make that energy available to animals, which lack this amazing
ability to gather energy from an extra-terrestrial source. The Sun is
the ultimate source of all energy in our solar system but we would have
no way to access that energy without plants.
Our use of plants to produce food is, perhaps, the most central
element of the human connection to this green planet. Since the earliest
of farmers, 10,000 years ago, humans have sought to (subconsciously at
first and then, more and more, consciously) select for plant types and
varieties which gave the most fruits, tastiest tubers or most stable
yields. Now, we’ve got more powerful tools at our disposal for plant
breeding, but the basic process is essentially the same – select the
best plant from this year’s crop and grow its seed next year.
But growing plants for food is just one of the ways in which we
utilise them in the modern world. The ancient Egyptians once chewed
willow bark to reduce fever and headaches. Now we know that the bark of
willow contains the active ingredients of aspirin. More recently, a
chemical derived from daffodils has been used to treat Alzheimer’s
disease and cancers have been treated with the medicine taxol, derived
from the yew tree. Plants are also gaining attention as “edible
vaccines”, where vaccines for diseases like HIV could be produced in a
plant that might also act as a delivery vehicle.
The Irish government seem to recognise the importance of plants to
Ireland’s economy. If we look at the 2012 Action Plan for Jobs, sectors
highlighted for potential job creation include the “Green Economy” and
“Agri-food production”. Both of these sectors have plants at their
centre. Tourism – another sector flagged for growth – also relies
heavily on Ireland’s natural landscape and our native flora.
Taken together with the fisheries sector, the agri-food industry in
Ireland directly employs about 150,000 people and represents about 60
per cent of manufacturing exports by Irish firms. Our success in this
area is hinged on plants, whether as crops grown for direct consumption,
as raw materials for other products or as animal feed for the meat and
dairy sectors. In recent years our reliance on plants within the agri-food
sector was emphasised by the fodder crisis. A longer than usual winter
meant reduced grass growth and a need to provide an alternative food
source for Ireland’s more than 6 million cattle. As the effects of
climate change become more obvious on our weather patterns, this type of
event may become more common.
Perhaps then, the economic and societal importance of plants only
becomes truly obvious when they fail us. Ireland’s history of famine due
to late blight of potato in the mid 19th Century had profound effects on Irish population levels and social history.
As well as an economic impact, plants also have an aesthetic quality
which makes them good things to have around. A number of studies have
reported the mental and physical health benefits of being exposed to
plants and green spaces in general. One study, from the Netherlands,
looked at 10,000 people’s general health and compared it to the amount
of green space in their neighbourhood. A clear trend emerged: people
living in areas with more plants, on average, experienced less symptoms
of ill-health and perceived their own health to be better.
In a classic study conducted in the US in the 1980s, patients in a
hospital ward with a view of a natural setting, including trees and
other plants, recovered more quickly from surgery and took less
pain-killing medication than patients with a window view of a brick
Rather than taking them for granted, the role plants play in our
lives needs to be recalled. The Irish writer Jonathan Swift once wrote:
“Whoever makes two ears of corn, or two blades of grass grow where only
one grew before, deserves better of mankind, and does more essential
service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together”.
With apologies to our local and national representative, I’d have to
agree with Swift.
This is an adapted version of a piece I first wrote for The Journal.